Community Stories

There are always people coming and going from Sewa Ashram. Some are patients, who are found on the roadsides of Delhi and experience the healing and love of the community before returning to their families. Others are visitors and volunteers who come for a visit on a trip to India, to lend their skills on a particular project, and to seek understanding about poverty. Most have a quite profound personal experience as they share in the daily life of our community and confront the reality of urban poverty in Delhi. Here are their impressions and thoughts:

Dignity Despite the Sorrow
April 25, 2012 0

This was my first day driving the streets of Delhi with staff from Sewa Ashram, but I was already used to seeing bodies, covered by blankets, strewn about the sidewalks and parks. Everywhere we went, 34-year-old Sarin Thapa would get out of our tiny ambulance and walk from lumpy blanket to lumpy blanket, asking whomever […]

In Yamuna Bazaar
March 23, 2012 0

This will not be a pretty e-mail. I just thought I should say that from the outset. So consider this a disclaimer if you are interested in reading it. Some parts might come across as a little indecent, but then again I’ve seen some pretty indecent things lately. Susan and I woke up, as usual, […]

Passing Through Twilight Zones
March 23, 2012 0

Christa Hillstrom is the daughter of Scott Hillstrom, one of the leading developing health care franchisers in the world. Last winter she worked with us on a documentary film about Sewa Ashram. Here is a letter she wrote to her friends around the world. Please take your time and experience rather touching moments at Sewa […]

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