Delhi House Society continues to exist because of the kind donations of people who believe in our work. While we do not believe in “hand-outs” simply for their own sake, we recognise that the extremely poor are disadvantaged on multiple levels, and require multiple interventions. The provision of healthcare, accommodation, education and other programs is not free, and we continue to rely on financial support to provide these essential services. If you are interested in supporting us in this way, please see the information below.
For any queries, write to us on office@delhihouse.org or call on +91-9311968001.
INDIAN RESIDENTS & INR PAYMENTS ONLY: All Indian contributions made to Delhi House Society are eligible for tax deduction of 50% u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961. Make a direct deposit in INR to Delhi House Society, Account No 380902010006469, Union bank of India, Ansari Road Branch, Dariyaganj, Delhi. IFSC code: UBIN0538094. Contact office@delhihouse.org and supply full name, address, Pan Number and Mobile number of the contributor, else it will be treated as anonymous and will be subject to taxation.
EUROPEAN RESIDENTS (EUR): Make a SEPA direct deposit in EUR to Delhi House e.V., Waldsaum 33, 45134 Essen, Germany IBAN: DE97 6601007506145097 50 BIC: PBNKDEFF (Postbank Karlsruhe). Contact office@delhihouse.de to receive a receipt in German language for income tax deduction.
Make a direct deposit in CHF to Verein JayaHo, 3000 Bern.
Account: IBAN CH07 0900 0000 3051 5590 9
Contact verein@jayaho.ch to receive a receipt in German language for income tax deduction.
NEW ZEALAND RESIDENTS (NZD): Make a direct deposit in NZD at ANZ for Cry for the World Foundation, Account: 01 0819 0374190 30, Branch: 37, Rotherham St, Riccarton, Christchurch.
AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS (AUD): Go to the webpage of our partner Interserve Australia https://interserve.org.au/give/ and select ‘Interserve worker or Project’ in the I would like to give drop down, enter the Recipient Number 1299.82 and “Delhi House Society”, Select Once-off’ or ‘Regularly’ in the Type of giving space and then the required information is provided/asked for, depending on choices made. Giving can be via credit/debit card, bank transfer or cheque.
DONORS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES: It is required by law (FCRA) that you send us a copy of your passport to office@delhihouse.org. Then you can make an international bank transfer in your own currency (not in INR) to Delhi House Society, Account No: 40001325500, Branch Code 00691, IFSC: SBIN0000691, SWIFT: SBININBB104. FCRA Cell, 4th Floor, STATE BANK OF INDIA, New Delhi Main Branch, 11 Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001.