

Volunteer Criteria

Sewa Ashram welcomes people who want to contribute for at least six months with the day-to-day adventure of running our community of the poor. Given the nature of our work, volunteers above 25 years of age are preferred.

We have a vast range of activities going on here: you can care for others in need, become part of or medical team, initiate vocational projects, network with other organizations, create PR material, or even help to start a village-like community with organic farming, renewable energy, alternative medicine, micro-financing, etc.

Being part of our community invites you to explore and share your own thoughts and feelings about social, political and religious issues – and to seek solutions. Thus we hope to develop together a community that is centered on principles of truth, care and non-exploitation.

Check out our Online Volunteer Application Form or

Download in MS Word Format
Please download and complete the application and email to:

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